2 周 2 场关于文案排版和表单问卷的内训已结束。现场效果和反馈平淡,自评和付出不对等。当然,自己也体会到一些技能,做简单记录。
我也跟 HR 同事讨论过这个问题。在他们看来,往往我们认为应该具有的基本技能,在别人那里并不见得如此。所以,如何把培训内容和自己的工作很好地关联起来是关键所在,这属于 mental models 范畴,自己也在学习。
- 思维导图发散 PPT 结构
- 丰富每部分内容
- 尝试借用 ADEPT 方法介绍/学习新知识
- 使用常见情景做案例
- 写讲稿
- 预讲
- 反馈修改
- 内容框架混乱,不知道核心、主要观点是什么
- 讲解的语言表达不够简明、太啰嗦
- 讲到的某个概念比较抽象,通过案例仍旧不理解
- 培训内容过于理论化,偏离实际应用情景
- PPT 做得太差,逻辑层级不够清晰
这里延伸想到,是否有相关网站专门用通俗易懂的类比、比喻手法来解释比较抽象难懂的概念?而且用 wiki 开源多人贡献。
认知层次的确有不同,但必备技能是什么 每个人的成长发展不同,构建的认知层次也会不同。
我们常说的「基本常识」是什么?它的存在与认知层次是否有关?「常识」似乎并非不那么 Common. 我时常不能很好地区分工作上或者使用网络的「基本常识」和「一定程度上的要求」。可能并没有严格的分界线,但总该有有个共识。
与之对应的英文表达有 Common Sense、Common Knowledge、General Knowledge.
「常识」(common sense)似乎侧重哲学思辨范畴,比较抽象。
Common Knowledge 偏重天文、物理、数学、自然、日常生活的一般规律和共识。
In broader terms, common knowledge is used to refer to information that a reader would accept as valid, such as information that many users may know. As an example, this type of information may include the temperature in which water freezes or boils. To determine if information should be considered common knowledge, you can ask yourself who your audience is, are you able to assume they already have some familiarity with the topic, or will the information’s credibility come into question.
上面是 Common Knowledge 的解释,更符合这里的「必备技能」说法。
General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various mediums. It excludes highly specialized learning that can only be obtained with extensive training and information confined to a single medium. General knowledge is an important component of crystallized intelligence. It is strongly associated with general intelligence and with openness to experience.
General Knowledge 有点像通识教育,对各个领域基本知识都有涉猎,其聚合在一起往往能在某个具体领域发挥作用。
另外,还看到说 General Knowledge 和校对能力有关。
General knowledge has been found to robustly predict proofreading skills in university students. A study found that proofreading had a larger correlation with general knowledge than with general intelligence, verbal reasoning, or openness to experience. In a multiple regression analysis using general knowledge, general intelligence, verbal reasoning, five factor personality traits, and learning styles as predictors, only general knowledge was a significant predictor.
所以,我们在生活、职场、学习中说的「常识」或者「必备技能」,似乎更像是 common knowledge 和 general knowledge, 来源于整个社区长期形成的一种所谓的共识,逐渐变成了对新加入者的基础能力要求。